Mother Teresa (Biography) मदर टेरेसा

Mother Teresa was a great social worker . She had done a lot for destitutes and deprives . She was known as Agnes Gonjha Boyajiju in her childhood. 
Mother Teresa was born on 26 August 1910 in Skopje North Macedonia.
Her father's name was Nikolle Bojaxhiu and her mother name was Dranafile Bojaxhiu . 
Mother Teresa was a Roman Kaitholic nun .
Mother Teresa had taken Indian citizenship in the beginning of her social service in India.
Mother Teresa had founded Missionaries of Charity in 1950 .It has attained great attention of society. It was running in 123 countries with 610 missions up  to year 1997. At present it is running in approx. 150 countries with 1000 missions.
Mother Teresa was fully devoted to her mission that was service to weaker and lower section of society.
She had helped to poor destitutes and deprives.
Mother Teresa was awarded with Nobel Peace Prize in 1979 . In addition to this Government of India had also awarded her with the greatest citizen award of India
that is called Bharat Rayna in the year 1980 .

Mother Teresa was died in Kolkata on 5 September 1997  . Millions of salute to her. 


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